Thursday 30 September 2010

A Brief Stop in Hong Kong

After we said our goodbyes and left the beautiful island of Okinawa, the first stop on our agenda was Hong Kong. We spent a couple of nights there and did as much sightseeing as we possibly could. We found Hong Kong to be a fascinating place! We loved it.

This first picture shows Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong. Truly, my small camera doesn't begin to do it justice. I really believe that watching the sun set and the lights come up in Victoria Harbor ranks as one of the top 5 all-time coolest things I have ever seen. It was just breathtaking. We ate dinner at a restaurant on top of The Peak (a high point that overlooks the harbor) and watched the sunset. As the sun went down, a million lights flickered to life. There was something about the combination of the lights, the water, and the mountains in the background that made it unique and utterly amazing.

We did some shopping at Stanley Market. While we were there, a group of giggly, Chinese schoolgirls spotted Brandon. They pointed at him and whispered and giggled amongst themselves. Then, one brave girl approached Brandon and said in her halting English, "" And then she held up her camera and mimed taking a picture. So, Brandon obliged and posed with these girls.
Brandon with his giggling admirers.

At a market place, there was a wax sculpture of Bruce Li that Brandon wanted to pose with.

Doing a little shopping. The kids bought some awesome souvenirs.

Shopping at Stanley Market.

I didn't expect the topography of Hong Kong to be so attractive. I didn't know that it was so mountainous. Mountains just rise up out of the sea and then, nestled among them is this giant, bustling, tropical city.

Another picture of the pretty scenery of Hong Kong.

We wished we had more time to spend in Hong Kong. But, the rest of our vacation called, so we boarded a red-eye flight bound for Fiji.


Amber Jensen said...

Very cool. It is so funny that those girls wanted a picture with Brandon...good thing they didn't see him in his school boy outfit (very handsome). In all our travels we always have asian people ask to pose with our kids????

HARA said...

This was fun to read. I love knowing about all the adventures you are having. The world is a beautiful place, so cool you and your family are seeing so much of it. Any good book suggestions for my neighborhood book club?