Thursday 30 September 2010

A Couple More Fiji Pictures.....

Disclaimer: OK, so this posting and the one that follows are out of order. This one is supposed to come second, but I can't figure out how to switch them around. Blogging is so frustrating sometimes! Anyway, if you want the story of our Fiji trip to make sense chronologically, skip ahead and read the next posting first. Then come back and read this one second.

Somehow, these pictures didn't make it into my first post. I think I may have accidentally deleted them when I tried to upload them. Oh well, here they are now....

All three boys got SCUBA certified while we lived in Okinawa, and they were able to dive quite a bit in Fiji.

This picture of me was taken shortly before I saw the shark. That's why I'm still giving the "OK" underwater gesture. (More about the shark in the next posting....)

Logan and Savannah in a sea kayak. I love this picture because you can see through the clear water to the reef below. Also you can see the quaint little resort on the shore with the huts we stayed in. (More about the resort in the next posting...)

All in all, a great vacation!

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